Acrobat Readme file 05.02.98 (dfc) Hello and thank you for using the Design Express/CD Stomper software to create awesome labels for your CD's. Included in your software are 1270 pieces of pre-designed artwork for you to use in the creation of your artwork. 772 of these are complete backgrounds for your cirular labels and the tray card and j-card for your CD-Rom Jewel case. We have created a PDF file in Adobe Acrobat for you to view, browse and select all the background artwork we have created for you to use. You may even print the PDF cataloge for reference if you like. The file is in your program groups and is titled cd_art. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to access this file and we have included Acrobat Reader along with your CD Stomper Kit. Please follow the instructions below to intall this program if you do not already have it. In order to install Adobe Acrobat Reader you must locate in your cd rom the Adobe folder which contains both Windows 3.x (16bit) and Windows 95 (32bit) version of the software. Please select the appropriate folder and double click on the .exe file which contains the self extracting executable file that will install the Adobe Acrobat reader into your system. Please read the readme file at the end of the installation for more details on the adobe acrobat reader.